Thursday, June 17, 2010

If only the world's economy could be like Apple

Apple, led by CEO Steve Jobs, is on the verge of releasing the iPhone 4 just weeks after its ingenious iPad debut just months before. What makes Apple so amazing is how the company manages to be on the cutting edge of technology year after year after year. The company has annually produced some of the most innovatives products in the world and buyers globally follow Apple products religiously, as carriers of the new iPhone just recently took 600000 preorders. What makes Apple more impressive is that they have done this without any debt! Apple effectively has a debt to equity ratio of 0. Hey Europe, jealous yet? Many people should look to Apple to see how they have enjoyed success by growing at a rate only from the reinvestment of their own earnings. Apple has a great business model that minimizes risk by having little debt and having some of the best innovations of any company in the world. Apple is even more attractive now than it was to Adam.

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